Coin type

Scotland - Coin catalog

Results: 72

   Scotland › Queen Anne › 1702 - 1707

1 pound = 20 shillings = 240 pence
Scotland 5 shillings - obverseScotland 5 shillings - reverse5 shillings, 1705
Silver 0.500, 2.26g, ø 19.1mm
KM# 148.1 · Circulation coins
Scotland 5 shillings - obverseScotland 5 shillings - reverse5 shillings, 1705
Silver 0.500, ø 19.1mm
KM# 148.2 · Circulation coins
Scotland 5 shillings - obverseScotland 5 shillings - reverse5 shillings, 1706
Silver 0.500, ø 19.1mm
KM# 148.3 · Circulation coins
Scotland 10 shillings - obverseScotland 10 shillings - reverse10 shillings, 1705-1706
Silver 0.500, ø 23mm
KM# 149 · Circulation coins

   Scotland › King William III › 1689 - 1702

1 pound = 20 shillings = 240 pence
Scotland 2 pence - obverseScotland 2 pence - reverse2 pence, 1691-1694
Copper, 2.5g, ø 20mm
KM# 130 · Circulation coins
Scotland 2 pence - obverseScotland 2 pence - reverse2 pence, 1695-1697
Copper, 2.5g, ø 20mm
KM# 137 · Circulation coins
Scotland 6 pence - obverseScotland 6 pence - reverse6 pence, 1691-1694
Copper, ø 25mm
KM# 131 · Circulation coins
Scotland 6 pence - obverseScotland 6 pence - reverse6 pence, 1695-1697
Copper, ø 25mm
KM# 139 · Circulation coins
Value: $ 17.07
Scotland 5 shillings - obverseScotland 5 shillings - reverse5 shillings, 1691
Silver 0.917, 2.99g, ø 19mm
KM# 132 · Circulation coins
Scotland 5 shillings - obverseScotland 5 shillings - reverse5 shillings, 1694
Silver 0.917, 2.99g, ø 19mm
KM# 136 · Circulation coins
Scotland 5 shillings - obverseScotland 5 shillings - reverse5 shillings, 1695-1701
Silver 0.500, ø 19mm
KM# 140 · Circulation coins
Value: $ 20.97
Scotland 10 shillings - obverseScotland 10 shillings - reverse10 shillings, 1689-1690
Silver 0.917, 5.98g, ø 23mm
KM# 124 · Circulation coins
Scotland 10 shillings - obverseScotland 10 shillings - reverse10 shillings, 1691-1694
Silver 0.917, 5.98g, ø 23mm
KM# 133 · Circulation coins
Scotland 10 shillings - obverseScotland 10 shillings - reverse10 shillings, 1695-1699
Silver 0.917, 5.98g, ø 23mm
KM# 141 · Circulation coins
Scotland 20 shillings - obverseScotland 20 shillings - reverse20 shillings, 1695-1699
Silver 0.917, ø 28.5mm
KM# 142 · Circulation coins
Scotland 40 shillings - obverseScotland 40 shillings - reverse40 shillings, 1689-1694
Silver 0.917, 18.39g, ø 34mm
KM# 125 · Circulation coins
Scotland 40 shillings - obverseScotland 40 shillings - reverse40 shillings, 1695-1700
Silver 0.917
KM# 143 · Circulation coins
Scotland 60 shillings - obverseScotland 60 shillings - reverse60 shillings, 1691-1692
Silver 0.917, 27.51g, ø 38.8mm
KM# 134 · Circulation coins
Scotland ½ pistole - obverseScotland ½ pistole - reverse½ pistole, 1701
Gold 0.917, 3.42g, ø 19mm
KM# 145 · Circulation coins
Scotland 1 pistole - obverseScotland 1 pistole - reverse1 pistole, 1701
Gold 0.917, 6.84g, ø 24mm
KM# 146 · Circulation coins

   Scotland › King James II › 1685 - 1689

1 pound = 20 shillings = 240 pence
No ImageNo Image10 shillings, 1687-1688
Silver 0.917, 5.98g, ø 25mm
KM# 121 · Circulation coins
Scotland 40 shillings - obverseScotland 40 shillings - reverse40 shillings, 1687-1688
Silver 0.917, 18.4g, ø 35mm
KM# 122 · Circulation coins

   Scotland › King Charles II › 1660 - 1685

1 pound = 20 shillings = 240 pence
Scotland 2 pence - obverseScotland 2 pence - reverse2 pence, 1660
Copper, 2.4g, ø 20mm
KM# 100 · Circulation coins
Value: $ 7.7
No ImageNo Image2 pence, 1677-1679
Copper, 2.5g, ø 19mm
KM# 114 · Circulation coins
Scotland 6 pence - obverseScotland 6 pence - reverse6 pence, 1677-1679
Copper, 9.1g, ø 25mm
KM# 115 · Circulation coins
Value: $ 4.93
Scotland ¼ merk - obverseScotland ¼ merk - reverse¼ merk, 1677-1681
Silver 0.917, 1.7g, ø 19mm
KM# 116 · Circulation coins
Scotland ½ merk - obverseScotland ½ merk - reverse½ merk, 1664-1675
Silver 0.916, 3.4g, ø 24mm
KM# 101 · Circulation coins
Scotland ½ merk - obverseScotland ½ merk - reverse½ merk, 1676-1682
Silver 0.916, 3.4g, ø 21mm
KM# 112 · Circulation coins
Scotland 1 merk - obverseScotland 1 merk - reverse1 merk, 1664-1675
Silver 0.916, 6.79g, ø 25mm
KM# 102 · Circulation coins
Scotland 1 merk - obverseScotland 1 merk - reverse1 merk, 1675-1682
Silver 0.916, 6.79g, ø 25mm
KM# 110 · Circulation coins
Scotland 2 merks - obverseScotland 2 merks - reverse2 merks, 1664-1675
Silver 0.916, 13.58g, ø 33mm
KM# 103 · Circulation coins
Scotland 2 merks - obverseScotland 2 merks - reverse2 merks, 1675-1681
Silver 0.916, 13.58g, ø 33mm
KM# 111 · Circulation coins
Scotland 4 merks - obverseScotland 4 merks - reverse4 merks, 1664-1675
Silver, 28.28g, ø 39mm
KM# 104 · Circulation coins
Scotland 4 merks - obverseScotland 4 merks - reverse4 merks, 1676-1682
Silver, 28.28g, ø 39mm
KM# 113 · Circulation coins

   Scotland › King Charles I › 1625 - 1649

1 pound = 20 shillings = 240 pence
Scotland 1 penny - obverseScotland 1 penny - reverse1 penny, 1629
Copper, ø 15mm
KM# 60 · Circulation coins
Value: $ 26
Scotland 2 pence - obverseScotland 2 pence - reverse2 pence, 1629
Copper, 1.62g, ø 19mm
KM# 61 · Circulation coins
Scotland 2 pence - obverseScotland 2 pence - reverse2 pence, 1632
English Crown /central cross/
Copper, 0.66g, ø 16mm
KM# 65 · Circulation coins
Value: $ 15.53
Scotland 2 pence - obverseScotland 2 pence - reverse2 pence, 1632
Scottish Crown /central fleur-de-lis/
Copper, ø 16mm
KM# 66 · Circulation coins
Value: $ 10.33
Scotland 2 pence - obverseScotland 2 pence - reverse2 pence, 1642
Copper, 1.95g, ø 19mm
KM# 69 · Circulation coins
Value: $ 14.33
Scotland 1 shilling - obverseScotland 1 shilling - reverse1 shilling, 1625
Silver, ø 15mm
KM# 42 · Circulation coins
Scotland 20 pence - obverseScotland 20 pence - reverse20 pence, 1637
Silver, ø 16mm
KM# 74 · Circulation coins
Scotland 20 pence - obverseScotland 20 pence - reverse20 pence, 1637
Silver, ø 16mm
KM# 75 · Circulation coins
Scotland 2 shillings - obverseScotland 2 shillings - reverse2 shillings, 1625
Silver, ø 16mm
KM# 43 · Circulation coins
Scotland 2 shillings - obverseScotland 2 shillings - reverse2 shillings, 1642
Silver, ø 16mm
KM# 95 · Circulation coins
Scotland 3 shillings - obverseScotland 3 shillings - reverse3 shillings, 1642
Silver, ø 19mm
KM# 96 · Circulation coins
Scotland 40 pence - obverseScotland 40 pence - reverse40 pence, 1636
Silver, ø 20mm
KM# 71 · Circulation coins
Scotland 40 pence - obverseScotland 40 pence - reverse40 pence, 1637
'B' above Crown
Silver, ø 20mm
KM# 76 · Circulation coins
Scotland 40 pence - obverseScotland 40 pence - reverse40 pence, 1637
'F' above Crown
Silver, ø 20mm
KM# 77 · Circulation coins
Value: $ 145
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